
Installing in Ubuntu - honestly just run sudo apt-get install mysql-server follow the prompts done but you can find a comprehensive guid here: MySQL Installation You may need to use google to find your specific server type.

On Windows (and I reinterate Windows IS NOT A Operating System to run a Minecraft Server) but if you have to Mysql On Windows

Once installed configurating Prism is pretty straight forward. Open a MYSQL command line and type

CREATE USER `prism`@`localhost` identified by `prism`;
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON prism.* TO 'prism'@'localhost';

Keep in mind if you server is not running on the same machine you will need to adjust the localhost string to the appropriate host name. If you are not sure adjust it to % but this has security implications.

Mysql configuration looks typically like:-

  type: mysql
    username: prism
    password: prism
    databaseName: prism
    prefix: prism_
    port: '3306'
    useNonStandardSql: true

You should adjust the properties “hostname”, “username” and “password” to suit your configuration. If you are using MySql leave “useNonStandardSql” as true for MariaDb see MariaDB set it as false. Percona is a fork of MYSQL that aims to be a performant version of mysql that is fully mysql compatible.