

/prism preview [rollback | restore | apply | cancel ] <params> <flags> /pr pr

Previewing a rollback or restore is the safest way. When you preview a rollback/restore, Prism queries the database with your given parameters, and shows those blocks changes/restorations to you only - it does not apply the rollback/restore to the world. Players around you won’t see the preview, only you will.

This allows you to see whether or not your rollback/restore will do what you intended - because if not you can cancel it without any impact on the real map.

Use /prism preview (rollback/rb or restore/rs) (params).

If not, use /prism preview cancel. You may only have one preview pending at a time, and they will expire after a minute. If you forget about them or logout, they will self-cancel.

Apply a Preview


/prism preview apply

If the results look good and you wish to apply them to the map, use /prism preview apply. Applying a preview doesn’t require the (params) again because Prism remembers what you had queried. When you apply a preview, it’s done exactly the same way but as a real rollback/restore.

The Prism team recommends you make a habit of always using preview.

Note: Only block changes are supported in preview mode. Item/entity/etc rollbacks won’t show in a preview, but will still be rolled back correctly when the preview is applied.