
Some expert users may be comfortable enough to rollback without a preview. Use /prism rollback (params). Your changes will be applied immediately.

Rollback Wand

Another wand type is a rollback wand. Like the inspector it’s for use on a single block or empty space. Use /prism wand rollback and the wand will bind to your hand/tools.

Left-click a block to roll back its last action, or right-click a block face to rollback the block from that spot. Repeat the command to disable the wand.

Useful for fixing minor griefs when you’d rather not worry about commands.

_Note: The Prism team reminds you that if you allow rollbacks, especially of items removed from chests or entity kills, be aware that staff with access to do so have the capability to do so repeatedly. There’s no absolute way to ensure an item or entity hasn’t already been rolled back but you shouldn’t have a problem because only staff can perform rollbacks and staff are by definition trusted. However, you can disable item removal rollbacks in the config._