

/pr flags

This commands shows all the available flags. There are some command flags that control specific details about the process you’re running, giving you a whole new level of control over Prism.

Drain/Drain Water/Drain Lava

/prism (cmd) (params) -drain

Adding a drain flag initiates a drain action (exactly as done by /prism drain) during the rollback. Use -drain-lava or -drain-water to target a specific liquid.


Unless you’ve enabled extended logs in the config, we don’t show you the extra info to reduce clutter. But you may want it. Use -extended to see the extended logs.

Prism Extended Display.

No Group

Don’t want to see actions grouped together? Use -no-group.

No Extinguish

/prism (cmd) (params) -no-ext

If configured, prism will automatically put out a burning fire when doing an a:burn rollback. If you need to disable this feature for a specific rollback, use this flag at command time.


/prism (cmd) (params) -overwrite

Overwrite any block that may happen to be in the way and would normally be skipped.


/prism (cmd) (params) -per-page=#

The number of results for the current page.


/prism (cmd) (params) -share=#

A list of online players to share the current lookup results with.


/prism (cmd) (params) -paste

Paste the result to “https://paste.gg” a paste service.